
I have following problem: Some links that show up in the Menu (the children of "Portfolio") are links to custom controllers. Of course now the LinkingMode is not available for that Links. Thats a image of the Menu:

enter image description here

So the children of Portfolio (Website, Application, etc.) are actually Category-DataObjects, which do not have a SiteTree Representation. The Submenu of Portfolio is created via checking and looping for all found categories in the Database.

The menu creation looks like that:

    <% loop Menu(1) %>
    <li class="$LinkingMode">
        <a href="$Link">[$LinkingMode] $MenuTitle.XML</a>             
        <% if Children %>
        <ul class="secondary">         
            <% if ClassName == 'ProjectsPage' %>
                <% loop $Top.Categories %> <!-- loop all found categories, every found item links to the custom category controller -->
                    <li class="$LinkingMode"><a href="category/show/$Slug">$Name</a></li>
                <% end_loop %>
            <% else %>    
                <% loop Children %>
                    <li class="$LinkingMode"><a href="$Link"><span class="text">$MenuTitle.XML</span></a></li>
                <% end_loop %> 
            <% end_if %>
        <% end_if %>                
    <% end_loop %>

Every Category (Website, Mobile) in the Menu links to a custom controller, which looks basically like that:

class Category_Controller extends Page_Controller {
    public function show($arguments) {
        return $this; //there will be more code to display all projects of a category

I expect that I have to add some custom code for the Category_Controller which tells the Portfolio Page which linkingmode it has...

Many thx, Florian

so you have class Category extends DataObject? and how do you identify the Category? by ID? as in mysite.com/category/show/1?Zauberfisch
ja exactly: class Category extends DataObject, each Category has a slug/id, which I use for identification. so the url looks like this: mysite.com/category/show/mobilespierala

1 Answers


I´ve found good tips here:



Thats the Category_Controller.php (a public var CategoryID is set there):

class Category_Controller extends Page_Controller {
public $CategoryID;

public function index($arguments) {
    $slug = $arguments->param("Slug");
    $category = Category::get()->filter(array('Slug' => $slug))->First();
    $this->CategoryID = $category->ID;

DataObject Category (LinkingMode function checks if the current CategoryID set in the Controller equals the ID of the Category DateObject):

class Category extends DataObject {  
    public function LinkingMode(){
        $categoryID = Controller::curr()->CategoryID;
        return ($categoryID == $this->ID) ? 'current' : 'link';

In the template you can check then the linking mode as usual:

<% loop $Categories %>
    <li class="$LinkingMode">$Name</li>
<% end_loop %>

Cheers, Florian