
I am new to Dynamics CRM so please excuse me for the newbie question xD

I managed to create an option set field with 2 possibilities:

  1. Scheme 1
  2. Scheme 2

Does anyone have an idea how when a particular possibility is picked, a list of custom based fields will appear in the form? Thanks in advance


2 Answers


If i understand your problem correctly you want certain fields to appear/disappear according to the choice selected in the option set. The way I see this working is by implementing a Javascript on the onChange event of the option set. you can do this from the 'Form Properties' when changing the layout of the form. Below is a link showing some examples of possible useful commands that might help you:


You can put your custom fields in a custom tab and then hide/disable it according to the value in the option set.

If you have any further problems feel free to ask :)

I hope this helps :) Gdluck


If you are comfortable working in Visual Studio, I highly recommend installing the Developer Toolkit (You can find the .msi \tools\developertoolkit - download it from here). It will allow you to develop JScript with some syntax highlighting and intellisense and makes source control and deployment a snap.