I have three tables
Job Employee EmployeesJob --------- -------- ---------------------- id id id name name job_id employee_id work_hours
The relationship is hasMany through (The Join Model[EmployeesJob]) What I want to do is when add a new Job, admin can choose one or many employees, related information will store in EmployeesJob and Job. in job/admin_add
echo $this->Form->input('EmployeesJob.employee_id',array('options'=>$employees, 'label'=>'Employee'));
it displays all employees, but admin only can choose one of them, also it doesn't insert a new row in EmployeesJob, My job table has other association tables(HABTM, belong to), so I am not sure saveAssociated($this->request->data) can do all the stuff.
I need help, Many Thanks