I'd like to be notified when the mouse moves and get the location on the screen. I tried this:
[NSEvent addGlobalMonitorForEventsMatchingMask:NSMouseMovedMask handler:^(NSEvent *event) {
CGPoint location = [NSEvent mouseLocation];
NSLog(@"Position: %@", NSStringFromPoint(location));
However this seems to only work as long as the mouse is in my app's window. As soon as leave it I'm not notified. Until I enter the window again. Shouldn't this event be global?
I extracted the code in question and made a separate sample project (Dropbox-Link). Just to be sure, there is nothing else interfering with it. It's a clean project with just the code above in applicationDidFinishLaunching:
. I get the same results and it's really strange. I uploaded a video to youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I3AKgmURaMk.
These are my observations:
- Immediately after launching the app, no events at all are delivered, no matter where I move the mouse.
- Clicking the app's window will somehow activate event delivery. Now I receive NSMouseMovedMask events, no matter where I move the mouse (this is what I want to achieve).
- Clicking back to Xcode doesn't change anything. I keep getting the events.
- However, moving the focus back to my app results in a strange behavior. When I move my mouse over Xcode I only get events over some parts of the window, while some parts seem to absorb the event. More specifically I don't receive events over the editor or the log view. I only receive them while moving the mouse over the gray split view separator area (with the tab bars embedded in them).