Hi there stackoverflow.
I'm working with pic 18f4550 with bootloader.
Because of the bootloader i need to start de code in a specifed address in the memory.
In this case 0x1000 because i dont have any interruptions.
This is my code so far (simple):
#include <p18f4550.h>
#include <delays.h>
#pragma config FOSC = INTOSCIO_EC //Internal oscillator, port function on RA6, EC used by USB
#pragma config WDT = OFF //Disable watchdog timer
#define LEDPin PORTAbits.RA0 //Define LEDPin as PORT D Pin 1
#define LEDTris TRISDbits.TRISD1 //Define LEDTris as TRISD Pin 1
void main()
_asm org 1000h
LEDTris = 0;//Set LED Pin data direction to OUTPUT
LEDPin = 1;//Set LED Pin
LEDPin = ~LEDPin;//Toggle LED Pin
Delay10KTCYx(25);//Delay 250K cycles (1 second at 1MHz since each instruction takes 4 cycles)
C:\Users\User\Documents\ProjectosPIC\testeled\main.c:13:Error: syntax error
I do you know how to fix it? Is this a problem with the compiler??
I'm using mplab IDE with microchip C18 toolsuite with mpasm and other languages.
Why is sintaxe error?