I came up with my own ad hoc solution leveraging some data.table
It ran in almost no time on the test data set I found (Boston Housing data).
Converting that to a data.table
(orthogonal to solution, but adding here for easy reproducibility):
x = fread("/media/data_drive/housing.data.fw",
sep = "\n", header = FALSE)
#usually fixed-width conversion is harder, but everything here is numeric
columns = c("CRIM", "ZN", "INDUS", "CHAS",
"NOX", "RM", "AGE", "DIS", "RAD",
DT = with(x, fread(paste(gsub("\\s+", "\t", V1), collapse = "\n"),
header = FALSE, sep = "\t",
col.names = columns))
Here it is:
DT[ , fwrite(as.data.table(paste0(
MEDV, " | ", sapply(transpose(lapply(
names(.SD), function(jj)
paste0(jj, ":", get(jj)))),
paste, collapse = " "))),
"/path/to/output", col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE),
.SDcols = !"MEDV"]
#what gets sent to as.data.table:
#[1] "24 | CRIM:0.00632 ZN:18 INDUS:2.31 CHAS:0 NOX:0.538 RM:6.575
# AGE:65.2 DIS:4.09 RAD:1 TAX:296 PTRATIO:15.3 B:396.9 LSTAT:4.98 MEDV:24"
#[2] "21.6 | CRIM:0.02731 ZN:0 INDUS:7.07 CHAS:0 NOX:0.469 RM:6.421
# AGE:78.9 DIS:4.9671 RAD:2 TAX:242 PTRATIO:17.8 B:396.9 LSTAT:9.14 MEDV:21.6"
# ...
There may be a better way to get this understood by fwrite
than as.data.table
, but I can't think of one (until setDT
works on vectors).
I replicated this to test its performance on a bigger data set (just blow up the current data set):
DT2 = rbindlist(replicate(1000, DT, simplify = FALSE))
The operation was pretty fast compared to some of the times reported here (I haven't bothered comparing directly yet):
# user system elapsed
# 8.392 0.000 8.385
I also tested using writeLines
instead of fwrite
, but the latter was better.
I am looking again and seeing it might take a while to figure out what's going on. Maybe the magrittr
-piped version will be easier to follow:
DT[ ,
#1) prepend each column's values with the column name
lapply(names(.SD), function(jj)
paste0(jj, ":", get(jj))) %>%
#2) transpose this list (using data.table's fast tool)
# (was column-wise, now row-wise)
#3) concatenate columns, separated by " "
transpose %>% sapply(paste, collapse = " ") %>%
#4) prepend each row with the target value
# (with Vowpal Wabbit in mind, separate with a pipe)
paste0(MEDV, " | ", .) %>%
#5) convert this to a data.table to use fwrite
as.data.table %>%
#6) fwrite it; exclude nonsense column name,
# and force quotes off
col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE),
.SDcols = !"MEDV"]
reading in such files is much easier**
#quickly read data; don't split within lines
x = fread("/path/to/data", sep = "\n", header = FALSE)
#tstrsplit is transpose(strsplit(.))
dt1 = x[ , tstrsplit(V1, split = "[| :]+")]
#even columns have variable names
nms = c("target_name",
unlist(dt1[1L, seq(2L, ncol(dt1), by = 2L),
with = FALSE]))
#odd columns have values
DT = dt1[ , seq(1L, ncol(dt1), by = 2L), with = FALSE]
#add meaningful names
setnames(DT, nms)
**this will not work with "ragged"/sparse input data. I don't think there's a way to extend this to work in such cases.
library(sos); findFn("libsvm")
, although I'm not sure if that does what you want? – Ben Bolker