I have a list of contacts. There are people, and companies, both in the same spreadsheet.
I need to copy a company's address (from column F) in to a person's address (also column F), based on a match. That is, E2 is my source cell, and the E column is what I need to match. When a match is made, the formula should copy F3 in to F2.
In plain English, I need to company company address values in to person address values. I've fiddled with VLOOKUP but can't get it to cooperate.
See this example: http://versastudio.com/misc/excel_vlookup.png
questions here already (2) This is more a question for Super User than programming for StackOverlow. (3) See Patrick Matthews Six-Reasons-Why-Your-VLOOKUP-or-HLOOKUP-Formula-Does-Not-Work – brettdj