I have an activity that is using the Theme.Dialog style such that it is a floating window over another activity. However, when I click outside the dialog window (on the background activity), the dialog closes. How can I stop this behaviour?
19 Answers
This could help you. It is a way to handle the touch outside event:
How to cancel an Dialog themed like Activity when touched outside the window?
By catching the event and doing nothing, I think you can prevent the closing. But what is strange though, is that the default behavior of your activity dialog should be not to close itself when you touch outside.
(PS: the code uses WindowManager.LayoutParams)
For higher API 10, the Dialog disappears when on touched outside, whereas in lower than API 11, the Dialog doesn't disappear. For prevent this, you need to do:
In styles.xml
: <item name="android:windowCloseOnTouchOutside">false</item>
In onCreate()
method, use: this.setFinishOnTouchOutside(false);
Note: for API 10 and lower, this method doesn't have effect, and is not needed.
Setting the dialog cancelable to be false is enough, and either you touch outside of the alert dialog or click the back button will make the alert dialog disappear. So use this one:
And the other function is not necessary anymore:
If you are creating a temporary dialog and wondering there to put this line of code, here is an example:
new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
.setTitle("Trial Version")
.setMessage("You are using trial version!")
.setPositiveButton(android.R.string.yes, null).show();
Dialog dialog = new Dialog(context)
//use this to dismiss the dialog on outside click of dialog
//use this for not to dismiss the dialog on outside click of dialog.
Watch this link for more details about dialog.
//used to prevent the dismiss of dialog on backpress of that activity
//used to dismiss the dialog on onbackpressed of that activity
I use this in onCreate(), seems to work on any version of Android; tested on 5.0 and 4.4.x, can't test on Gingerbread, Samsung devices (Note 1 running GB) have it this way by default:
I was facing the same problem. To handle it I set a OntouchListener
to the dialog and do nothing inside. But Dialog dismiss when rotating screen too. To fix it I set a variable to tell me if the dialog has normally dismissed. Then I set a OnDismissListener
to my dialog and inside I check the variable. If the dialog has dismmiss normally I do nothin, or else I run the dialog again (and setting his state as when dismissing in my case).
public void Mensaje(View v){
AlertDialog.Builder builder = new AlertDialog.Builder(this);
builder.setTitle("¿Quieres ir a el Menú principal?");
builder.setMessage("Al presionar SI iras a el menú y saldras de la materia.");
builder.setPositiveButton("SI", null);
builder.setNegativeButton("NO", null);
This is the perfect answer to all your questions.... Hope you enjoy coding in Android
new AlertDialog.Builder(this)
.setTitle("Akshat Rastogi Is Great")
.setMessage("I am the best Android Programmer")
.setPositiveButton("I agree", new DialogInterface.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {