I'm actually working on my first Chrome Extension and i need to improve some function. Actually i'm new of chrome extensions and can't figure out how i can manage tabs.
Actually the extension open a popup window with a list of link catched from a remote web page. Every link open a new tab with the right content inside.
My goal is to open a tab and, for every link, use that single tab (if the tab created is closed, i can open a new tab a continue to use that). I suppose i can create a new tab and refer to it by and ID assigned but i can't figure out how really write the correct code.
Following there's the code involved:
<!doctype html>
<title>NGI Little Helper - Subscribes</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="popup.css">
<!-- JavaScript and HTML must be in separate files for security. -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="common/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="popup.js"></script>
<div id="content">..:: Loading ::..</div>
$.get("http://gaming.ngi.it/subscription.php?do=viewsubscription", function(data) {
var TDs = $('td[id^="td_threadtitle_"]', data);
$(document).ready(function() {
$.each( TDs, function() {
//Removes useless elements from the source
$('img[src="images/misc/tag.png"]', this).remove();
$('span', this).remove(); //$('span[class="smallfont"]', this).remove();
$('div[class="smallfont"]', this).remove();
$('img[src="images/buttons/firstnew.gif"]', this).attr('src', '/img/icons/comment.gif');
$('a[style="font-weight:bold"]', this).removeAttr("style");
//Modify the lenght of the strings
if ($("a[id^='thread_title_']", this).text().length > 35) {
$("a[id^='thread_title_']", this).text( $("a[id^='thread_title_']", this).text().substring(0, 30) + " [...]" );
//Modify the URL from relative to absolute and add the target="_newtab"
$("a[id^='thread_']", this).attr('href', "http://gaming.ngi.it/"+ $("a[id^='thread_']", this).attr('href'));
$("a[id^='thread_']", this).attr('target', "_newtab");
//Send the HTML modified to the popup window
$("#content").html($("#content").html() + $('div', this).wrap("<span></span>").parent().html() +"<br/>" );
"name": "NGI Little Helper",
"version": "0.8.5",
"manifest_version": 2,
"description": "Extension per gli Utenti del forum gaming.ngi.it",
"options_page": "fancy-settings/source/index.html",
"background": {
"page": "background.html"
"icons": {
"16": "img/logo16.png",
"48": "img/logo48.png",
"128": "img/logo128.png"
"content_scripts": [{
"matches": ["*://gaming.ngi.it/*"],
"js": ["common/jquery.js", "logo_changer/logo_change.js"],
"run_at": "document_start"
"browser_action": {
"default_icon": "img/icon.png",
"default_popup": "popup.html",
"default_title": "Visualizza Subscriptions"
"permissions": [
The following is a piece of HTML code that will be rendered into the popup window after all the manipulation. Any div is similar to this one, except the link changes of course:
<a href="http://gaming.ngi.it/showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=555954" id="thread_gotonew_555954" target="_newtab"><img class="inlineimg" src="/img/icons/comment.gif" alt="Go to first new post" border="0"></a>
<a href="http://gaming.ngi.it/showthread.php?goto=newpost&t=555954" id="thread_title_555954" target="_newtab">[All Gamez] [Frozen Synapse] S [...]</a>
If needed i can provide the full source code.