
I have a mainWindow within a grid and a couple of wpf UserControls inside this grid. I have as well three methods that control the movement inside the grid through my mouse. MouseDown, MouseMove and MouseUp and it works properly.

When I add a WindowsFormsHost inside one of these UserControl, it just DOESN'T work anymore. I can move the window, but the WindowsFormsHost stays in the same place.

I'd like to know how to move a window inside a grid using mouse events when I have a WindowsFormsHost inside.

Thanks in advance.

Regards, Felipe.

PS. These are the methods I use to move my UserControl inside the grid.

public void Control_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    isDragging = true;
    var draggableControl = sender as UserControl;
    clickPosition = e.GetPosition(this);

public void Control_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    isDragging = false;
    var draggable = sender as UserControl;

public void Control_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    var draggableControl = sender as UserControl;

    if (isDragging && draggableControl != null)
        Point currentPosition = e.GetPosition(this.Parent as UIElement);

        var transform = draggableControl.RenderTransform as TranslateTransform;
        if (transform == null)
            transform = new TranslateTransform();
            draggableControl.RenderTransform = transform;

        transform.X = currentPosition.X - clickPosition.X;
        transform.Y = currentPosition.Y - clickPosition.Y;

1 Answers


Perhaps try to apply translateTransform directly to WindowsFormHost or see what happens if you use WindowsFormHost.InvalidateVisual() after mousemove