
I am using Eclipse EE Juno edition. I created a dynamic web application which uses Amazon Simple DB and retirviing some values and showing to users. i have installed the AWS kit for using Amazon services.

I have an account for simpleDB.

I tried to deploy it to AWS Elastic Beanstalk (through the plugin). It shows me to select the server. I selected it as AW Beanstalk with TOmcat 6 (asia Pacific Tokyo).

After sometime it gives this error.

Unable to upload application to Amazon S3: User: arn:aws:iam::379007759147:user/SSSS is not authorized to perform: elasticbeanstalk:CreateStorageLocation User: arn:aws:iam::379007759147:user/SSSS is not authorized to perform: elasticbeanstalk:CreateStorageLocation

I wish to upload the web application to AWS beanstalk and appreciate your help in achieving it.


4 Answers


It worked for me with the following permissions

  1. AWSElasticBeanstalkFullAccess - AWS Managed policy
  2. AWSElasticBeanstalkService - AWS Managed policy
  3. AWSCodeDeployRole - AWS Managed policy
  4. AWSCodeDeployFullAccess - AWS Managed policy

The user need to have 3 permissions:

  • IAM(read)
  • S3(write)
  • Beanstalk(write)

and, there is a limitation of 1 user can maximum be attached with 2 policy.

so, maybe you need to create 3 groups and assign this user to these 3 groups.

It worked for me.


Your IAM profile (i.e. the user you login with) hasn't been given the permissions required to create S3 buckets. Beanstalk creates a new bucket in which to dump application versions. Talk to whomever is root-administering your AWS account. They should be able to fix your IAM profile.


In my case, I was trying to run beanstalk from an AWS Lightsail instance, which is forbidden apparently.

The role AmazonLightsailInstanceRole, pre-assigned to Lightsail server default user ("ec2-user" for aws linux), cannot be modified to include Elastic Beanstalk permissions.