Hi its a simple question to a hard problem (for me so far anyway)
i dont consider myself to be a beginner programmer but for the love of god I cannot seem to be able to figure this one out.... I currently have a problem related to updating a uiimageview.. its not being updated when my slider moves left and right.. it does slow the application down a little bit when i drag it which tells me there are processes happening and tells me they are connected correctly the itnerface with their methods.. whats happening or what im doing at the moment is trying to retrieve image data for a specific frame specified by time to then be able to select it as a thumbnail depending on the position of the uislider. so its a manual thumbnail picker.
I have tried many things both by connecting it through interface builder and by doing it programatically.
this is what i have one so far:
.h file
.m file
the slider method for sliderValueChanged which gets called
and finally my class method that i use to help retrieve a thumbnail image returning nsdata... passing in a video and a specified time position.
I have read here on stackoverflow that updating a uiimageview can cause memory leaks if updated regularly since it caches images.. and to use [UIImage imageWithData:] instead to avoid any leaks etc. so i have implemented this in my code yet my thumbnail view still fails to load the images based on the slider's position. (the slider is created to have the min and max values set from 0 - to the duration of the video so that the slider can only ever have a value that can correctly pick a time frame in the video in question)
If anyone could guide me in how i could fix this problem.. it is beyond me for hours now! i appreciate the help. thank you