Is it possible to use DirectX pixel shaders to create image effects for photos? I have a C++ application which includes kind of a photo database manager. It utilizes GDI+ for image processing and I want to offer the user some fancy image effects - which I would like to do via DirectX pixel shaders. I would like to achieve similar effects like the Shazzam Tool delivers out of the box with its example library - unfortunately I'm using pure GDI+ and no WPF.
For creating image effects in a GDI+ bitmap I thought of the following steps:
1) Load image via GDI+
2) Init DirectX, load/compile shader, convert GDI+ image to be used as texture in DirectX
3) Draw 4 vertices in DirectX and use the photo as texture
4) Apply the pixel shader
5) Save the surface with the pixel shadered photo
1-4 is already solved, but how do I achieve step 5?
Currently I'm using the following snippet for gathering the modified photo:
d3dDevice->GetRenderTarget(0, &surface);
D3DXSaveSurfaceToFile("Test.png", D3DXIFF_PNG, surface, NULL, NULL);
surface = NULL;
This code doesn't fit my needs, since it captures the whole scene and not only the texture (=photo). How can I achieve to getting the pixel shadered photo texture in its original size back? I would like to achieve the same result as Shazzam Tool delivers, but without WPF...
Thank you in advance!