Another option would be to implement iterators for tuples. This has the advantage that you can use a variety of algorithms provided by the standard library and range-based for loops. An elegant approach to this is explained here The basic idea is to turn tuples into a range with begin()
and end()
methods to provide iterators. The iterator itself returns a std::variant<...>
which can then be visited using std::visit
Here some examples:
auto t = std::tuple{ 1, 2.f, 3.0 };
auto r = to_range(t);
for(auto v : r)
std::visit(unwrap([](auto& x)
x = 1;
}), v);
std::for_each(begin(r), end(r), [](auto v)
std::visit(unwrap([](auto& x)
x = 0;
}), v);
std::accumulate(begin(r), end(r), 0.0, [](auto acc, auto v)
return acc + std::visit(unwrap([](auto& x)
return static_cast<double>(x);
}), v);
std::for_each(begin(r), end(r), [](auto v)
std::visit(unwrap([](const auto& x)
std::cout << x << std::endl;
}), v);
std::for_each(begin(r), end(r), [](auto v)
[](int x) { std::cout << "int" << std::endl; },
[](float x) { std::cout << "float" << std::endl; },
[](double x) { std::cout << "double" << std::endl; }), v);
My implementation (which is heavily based on the explanations in the link above):
#include <utility>
#include <functional>
#include <variant>
#include <type_traits>
template<typename Accessor>
class tuple_iterator
tuple_iterator(Accessor acc, const int idx)
: acc_(acc), index_(idx)
tuple_iterator operator++()
return *this;
template<typename T>
bool operator ==(tuple_iterator<T> other)
return index_ == other.index();
template<typename T>
bool operator !=(tuple_iterator<T> other)
return index_ != other.index();
auto operator*() { return std::invoke(acc_, index_); }
[[nodiscard]] int index() const { return index_; }
const Accessor acc_;
int index_;
template<bool IsConst, typename...Ts>
struct tuple_access
using tuple_type = std::tuple<Ts...>;
using tuple_ref = std::conditional_t<IsConst, const tuple_type&, tuple_type&>;
template<typename T>
using element_ref = std::conditional_t<IsConst,
std::reference_wrapper<const T>,
using variant_type = std::variant<element_ref<Ts>...>;
using function_type = variant_type(*)(tuple_ref);
using table_type = std::array<function_type, sizeof...(Ts)>;
template<size_t Index>
static constexpr function_type create_accessor()
return { [](tuple_ref t) -> variant_type
if constexpr (IsConst)
return std::cref(std::get<Index>(t));
return std::ref(std::get<Index>(t));
} };
static constexpr table_type create_table(std::index_sequence<Is...>)
return { create_accessor<Is>()... };
static constexpr auto table = create_table(std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(Ts)>{});
template<bool IsConst, typename...Ts>
class tuple_range
using tuple_access_type = tuple_access<IsConst, Ts...>;
using tuple_ref = typename tuple_access_type::tuple_ref;
static constexpr auto tuple_size = sizeof...(Ts);
explicit tuple_range(tuple_ref tuple)
: tuple_(tuple)
[[nodiscard]] auto begin() const
return tuple_iterator{ create_accessor(), 0 };
[[nodiscard]] auto end() const
return tuple_iterator{ create_accessor(), tuple_size };
tuple_ref tuple_;
auto create_accessor() const
return [this](int idx)
return std::invoke(tuple_access_type::table[idx], tuple_);
template<bool IsConst, typename...Ts>
auto begin(const tuple_range<IsConst, Ts...>& r)
return r.begin();
template<bool IsConst, typename...Ts>
auto end(const tuple_range<IsConst, Ts...>& r)
return r.end();
template <class ... Fs>
struct overload : Fs... {
explicit overload(Fs&&... fs) : Fs{ fs }... {}
using Fs::operator()...;
template<class T>
auto operator()(std::reference_wrapper<T> ref)
return (*this)(ref.get());
template<class T>
auto operator()(std::reference_wrapper<const T> ref)
return (*this)(ref.get());
template <class F>
struct unwrap : overload<F>
explicit unwrap(F&& f) : overload<F>{ std::forward<F>(f) } {}
using overload<F>::operator();
auto to_range(std::tuple<Ts...>& t)
return tuple_range<false, Ts...>{t};
auto to_range(const std::tuple<Ts...>& t)
return tuple_range<true, Ts...>{t};
Read-only access is also supported by passing a const std::tuple<>&
to to_range()