Hello stackOverflowers
I have a field in a Solr document collection with a field called names_txt - this is a multiValue="true" field.
This field contains all the names of the associated persons to a document
I want to be able to both do a fuzzy search and at the same time limit the number of terms between the to matching terms.
The query
names_txt:("markus foss"~2)
Will return all documents where you find the terms markus and foss where theres max 2 terms between them.
But when i search in a fuzzy way AND want to also specify the max number of terms between the matches, I cant get the syntax right.
The query:
names_txt:(markus~0.7 foss~0.7)
This does work, but returns false postives, since it will return a document with "markus something" in one value, and "foss somethingElse" in another.
What I would like to write is:
(markus~0.7 foss~0.7)~2
- but this syntax is illegal in solr.
Anyone out there have a solution for my problem?