I have a word document in the format of a docx, created in Word 2007. I need to open this document and at certain places in the document add Text, Images and tables.
I also need to do the same thing with a Powerpoint.
I've seen solutions when googling where they used strings in the document and search and replaced them. I don't think thats the way to do it.
Another solution I found was that of inserting bookmarks in the word document and then append data after the bookmark. This was done with the Apache POI library. This solution looks better. But what happens if I need to put the same data in different parts of the document. I don't want to define multiple unique bookmarks for inserting the same data.
So basically I'm looking for a way to create a word template and define keywords where I can inject data.
Update Found this http://code.google.com/p/xdocreport/ and it did almost exactly what I wanted.