
Advanced custom fields for wordpress... Plugin

source: http://support.advancedcustomfields.com/discussion/2784/image-fields-on-custom-post-type-values-have-all-gone

I updated my advanced custom fields and all image field values have disapeared.

I checked in the database and i still see the information but they're not linking up correct.

God.. any ideas? :(

Can you share some code please?Mark
Go to the ACF fields page and click update database.Daniel Vickers

2 Answers


You'd better check out the depreciated bits of code. I found this same issue with the_repeater_field (http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/docs/functions/the_repeater_field/) it got depreciated and I had to update my code to the right functions.

Check this page out to see if any of these relate to your problem: http://www.advancedcustomfields.com/docs/functions/


Checkout Bonzer Custom Fields Creator: https://wordpress.org/plugins/bonzer-custom-fields/

It creates wide array of input fields at various places inside the wordpress admin panel. Places in the wordpress admin panel where custom fields are applicable includes:

  • All Post Types
  • All Taxonomies
  • Pages:
    • Dashboard (Home)
    • Users (Your Profile)
    • Settings (All Pages)

Give it a try, I am sure you will love it.