
How can I findout the component-family and the (default) renderer-type of a JSF component?

These information are necessary when (overriding custom renderers) using the following annotation:


I Googled, went throughed the JSF specification and Ed Burn's book, but couldn't find what I wanted.


1 Answers


Programmatically, you could find them out by just printing UIComponent#getFamily() and UIComponent#getRendererType().

Documentary, you could find them out by just looking in the javadoc of the component implementation. For example, <h:inputText> is represented by the HtmlInputText class. The renderer type can be found in the last paragraph of the introductory text of the javadoc:

By default, the rendererType property must be set to "javax.faces.Text".

The component family can be found by checking the value of COMPONENT_FAMILY constant field value (which is inherited from UIInput). Click your way through the Fields inherited from class javax.faces.component.UIInput - COMPONENT_FAMILY - Constant Field Values

COMPONENT_FAMILY "javax.faces.Input"

Unrelated to the concrete problem: you cannot override the default JSF renderers by the @FacesRenderer annotation. The default renderer would always get prededence. This is by design, see also issue 1748. You really need to register them explicitly as <renderer> in the faces-config.xml the JSF 1.x way.
