I am trying to cross compile Qt on Ubuntu Linux for ARM. But I get the following error:
bin/rcc: File does not exist 'dialogs/qprintdialog.qrc'
The build command which produces this is:
bin/rcc -name qprintdialog dialogs/qprintdialog.qrc -o .rcc/release-shared/qrc_qprintdialog.cpp
I tried to manually execute this command by giving an absolute path to dialogs/qprintdialog.qrc but still have the same error although dialogs/qprintdialog.qrc does exist.
I have configured Qt as:
./configure -no-exceptions -no-accessibility -no-xsync -no-xinerama -no-xcursor -no-xfixes -no-xrandr -no-xrender -no-mitshm -no-xinput -no-xkb -no-nas-sound -arch arm -platform linux-g++ -xplatform qws/linux-arm-g++ -release -opensource -fast -I$ARM/usr/include -L$ARM/usr/lib -L$ARM/lib -lrt -lX11 -lxcb -lXau -lXdmcp -lXext -lz -prefix custom_path_to_install
Any help would be appreciated.