I'm facing a big problem that it's taking a lot of time to be fixed because I don't know the cause and how to fix it. The problem is really simple: I have an example QML component defined as:
Rectangle {
id: rect
property bool test: myclass.testproperty
Rectangle {
width: 50
height: 50
visible: parent.test
and I connected a MouseArea onClicked signal to do this:
test = !test
so I switch the value of the boolean variable. To push the value from C++ to QML and from QML to C++ Q_PROPERTY with READ, WRITE and NOTIFY signals, I used this
Binding {
target: myclass
property: "testproperty"
value: rect.test
everything works fine until I click on the mouseArea and so I push the changes via the binding. After that, every time I try to set a new property value from C++ I don't see any change in QML, like if the binding is destroyed. But if I try to click on the MouseArea I still call the setTestProperty method of the C++ class. Basically, it goes out of sync the C++ -> QML way. Why? I can't find the problem, the signal is emitted because QSignalSpy gives me 1 as count of emitted times after using
emit this->testPropertyChanged(newvalue)
here an example: basically here we're using a QString property with the same exact signals. The only thing that changes is that instead of using a Rectangle QML element and binding to a own property, I'm using a TextInput element
TextInput {
id: mytext
text: myclass.testproperty
Binding {
target: myclass
property: "testproperty"
value: mytext.text