I use a method named "generate_coordinate" (located in the app/helpers/planets_helper.rb) in my controller PlanetsController.
When running tests, it seems that rspec isn't able to access it, and so cause my test suite to fail because the planet doesn't have any coordinates.
I tried to include my helper at the beginning of the utilities.rb file, but it didn't work
include ApplicationHelper
include PlanetsHelper
I also tried to write my method inside the utilities.rb file, without more success.
I read this post "Where/how to include helper methods for capybara integration tests", but it didn't help me.
I also read about "stub" functions, but because I can't understand what it could be used for, it didn't help me much...
Any idea ?
Here is my test code (spec/requests/planet_pages_spec.rb)
describe "Create planet" do
before do
visit new_planet_path
fill_in "Name", with: "MyPlanet"
click_button "Validate"
it {should have_selector('h1', text: "Planet")}
When click on "Validate", it leads to the PlanetsController, which calls the "generate_coordinate" method
def create
@planet = Planet.new(name: params[:planet][:name],
coordinates: generate_coordinates, [...])
if @planet.save
redirect_to action: 'index'
render 'new'
And here is the generate_coordinate method, which seems never been called by rspec (whereas it is when I navigate through with my browser)
module PlanetsHelper
def generate_coordinates
coordinates = ""