
I have the Array collection of objects like this

Class User
    private $tasks;

How can i empty or clear the collection once user gets loaded from database.

When i query for user then Doctrine will lazy load the tasks in user object but i want to first clear those tasks

something like



1 Answers


First of all, I imagine your User entity's constructor looks something like this:

class User
    public function __construct()
        $this->tasks = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();

If that's not correct so far, then stop reading, and correct me in the comments :)

Note that the ArrayCollection class was created by Doctrine. Symfony and most of its components are pretty good about documenting the classes. When you look up that class, you'll find:


(of course, make sure you're on the same version; otherwise, try to find the documentation for your version)

The documentation lists all the methods available to the ArrayCollection object. Among them: clear().

That said, adding a new method to the User class should work:

class User
    public function clearTasks()

Then, on the User object, just call:


(and don't forget to persist to the database!)