
when is calling to the cudaDeviceSynchronize function really needed?.

As far as I understand from the CUDA documentation, CUDA kernels are asynchronous, so it seems that we should call cudaDeviceSynchronize after each kernel launch. However, I have tried the same code (training neural networks) with and without any cudaDeviceSynchronize, except one before the time measurement. I have found that I get the same result but with a speed up between 7-12x (depending on the matrix sizes).

So, the question is if there are any reasons to use cudaDeviceSynchronize apart of time measurement.

For example:

  • Is it needed before copying data from the GPU back to the host with cudaMemcpy?

  • If I do matrix multiplications like

    C = A * B
    D = C * F

should I put cudaDeviceSynchronize between both?

From my experiment It seems that I don't.

Why does cudaDeviceSynchronize slow the program so much?

One instance would be if you have any print statements in the kernel, the buffer won't print until a synchronization event.Daniel B.

3 Answers


Although CUDA kernel launches are asynchronous, all GPU-related tasks placed in one stream (which is the default behavior) are executed sequentially.

So, for example,

kernel1<<<X,Y>>>(...); // kernel start execution, CPU continues to next statement
kernel2<<<X,Y>>>(...); // kernel is placed in queue and will start after kernel1 finishes, CPU continues to next statement
cudaMemcpy(...); // CPU blocks until memory is copied, memory copy starts only after kernel2 finishes

So in your example, there is no need for cudaDeviceSynchronize. However, it might be useful for debugging to detect which of your kernel has caused an error (if there is any).

cudaDeviceSynchronize may cause some slowdown, but 7-12x seems too much. Might be there is some problem with time measurement, or maybe the kernels are really fast, and the overhead of explicit synchronization is huge relative to actual computation time.


One situation where using cudaDeviceSynchronize() is appropriate would be when you have several cudaStreams running, and you would like to have them exchange some information. A real-life case of this is parallel tempering in quantum Monte Carlo simulations. In this case, we would want to ensure that every stream has finished running some set of instructions and gotten some results before they start passing messages to each other, or we would end up passing garbage information. The reason using this command slows the program so much is that cudaDeviceSynchronize() forces the program to wait for all previously issued commands in all streams on the device to finish before continuing (from the CUDA C Programming Guide). As you said, kernel execution is normally asynchronous, so while the GPU device is executing your kernel the CPU can continue to work on some other commands, issue more instructions to the device, etc., instead of waiting. However when you use this synchronization command, the CPU is instead forced to idle until all the GPU work has completed before doing anything else. This behaviour is useful when debugging, since you may have a segfault occuring at seemingly "random" times because of the asynchronous execution of device code (whether in one stream or many). cudaDeviceSynchronize() will force the program to ensure the stream(s)'s kernels/memcpys are complete before continuing, which can make it easier to find out where the illegal accesses are occuring (since the failure will show up during the sync).


When you want your GPU to start processing some data, you typically do a kernal invocation. When you do so, your device (The GPU) will start to doing whatever it is you told it to do. However, unlike a normal sequential program on your host (The CPU) will continue to execute the next lines of code in your program. cudaDeviceSynchronize makes the host (The CPU) wait until the device (The GPU) have finished executing ALL the threads you have started, and thus your program will continue as if it was a normal sequential program.

In small simple programs you would typically use cudaDeviceSynchronize, when you use the GPU to make computations, to avoid timing mismatches between the CPU requesting the result and the GPU finising the computation. To use cudaDeviceSynchronize makes it alot easier to code your program, but there is one major drawback: Your CPU is idle all the time, while the GPU makes the computation. Therefore, in high-performance computing, you often strive towards having your CPU making computations while it wait for the GPU to finish.