
The Magento checkout has a line that show the totals in the file:


<?php echo $this->getChildHtml('totals'); ?>

But this line shows also the shipping method if customer choose a freight method and I didn't find this to take it of my total page, I know that I can't delete it from the database because this information is used in the freight choice.

If someone knows I would stay very gratified

Thanks by now


2 Answers


For removing this data from the total you need to override the following classes:

To hide it in shopping cart page:

Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Shipping::fetch() method needs to be overridden via custom module:

public function fetch(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address)
    $originalShippingDescription = $address->getShippingDescription(); // Keep old description value
    $address->unsShippingDescription(); // Removes description of shipping method
    $address->setShippingDescription($originalShippingDescription); // Sets back original description of shipping method
    return $this;

To hide it on order overview pages in the user account, you need to perform another customization of Mage_Sales_Block_Order_Totals class. For this purpose you need to create a new block extended from Mage_Core_Block_Abstract

  1. Create block in some your custom module

    class Custom_Module_Block_Shipping_Total extents Mage_Core_Block_Abstract
        public function initTotals()
            if ($this->getParentBlock() && $this->getParentBlock()->getTotal('shipping')) {
               $this->getParentBlock()->getTotal('shipping')->setLabel($this->__('Shipping & Handling'));
  2. Add layout updates to include you block into order view.

     <!-- Your custom total on invoices view -->
            <reference name="invoice_totals">
                <block name="custom_total" type="custom_module/shipping_total" />
        <!-- Your custom total on shipments view -->
            <reference name="shipment_totals">
                <block name="custom_total" type="custom_module/shipping_total" />
        <!-- Your custom total on creditmemos view -->
            <reference name="creditmemo_items">
                <block name="custom_total" type="custom_module/shipping_total" />
        <!-- Applying your handles to particular pages in customer account -->
            <update handle="custom_order_totals" />
            <update handle="custom_order_totals" />
            <update handle="custom_order_totals" />
        <!-- applies your total in email -->
            <update handle="custom_order_totals" />
            <update handle="custom_order_totals" />
        <!-- invoice pages -->
            <update handle="custom_invoice_totals" />
            <update handle="custom_invoice_totals" />
            <update handle="custom_invoice_totals" />
            <update handle="custom_invoice_totals" />
        <!-- shipment pages -->
            <update handle="custom_shipment_totals" />
            <update handle="custom_shipment_totals" />
            <update handle="custom_shipment_totals" />
            <update handle="custom_shipment_totals" />
        <!-- creditmemo pages -->
            <update handle="custom_creditmemo_totals" />
            <update handle="custom_creditmemo_totals" />
            <update handle="custom_creditmemo_totals" />
            <update handle="custom_creditmemo_totals" />

After such customization on all pages on the frontend your shipping total will be without information about shipping method...


in your local cart.phtml, use following snippet:

<div class="cart-totals-wrapper">
    <div class="cart-totals">
        <div class="cart-totals-container">
            <!-- <?php echo $this->getChildHtml('totals'); ?> -->
                $_quote = Mage::getSingleton('checkout/session')->getQuote();
                $_cartValue = 0;
                $_items = $_quote->getAllItems();
                foreach ($_items as $_item) {
                    $_cartValue += $_item->getRowTotalInclTax();
            <table id="shopping-cart-totals-table">
                    <col width="1">
                    <td class="a-right" colspan="1" style=""><?php echo $this->__('Subtotal'); ?></td>
                    <td class="a-right" style="">
                        <span class="price"><?php echo $_quote->getStore()->formatPrice($_cartValue); ?></span>
            <p class="message"><?php echo $this->__('Shipping will be calculated at checkout'); ?></p>