
At work we are attempting to do the following:

  • Run Elastic MapReduce jobs via Amazon, which freezes Hadoop at version 0.20.205
  • Write output to HBase running on EC2, specifically, 0.92.1-cdh4.0.1 from Cloudera

What I've discovered so far is my WordCount test appears to work when I use Apache HBase 0.92.1 in my Hadoop job (packaged via maven). I'm scared that this is working accidentally and that may blow up as my usage matures.

However, when I package HBase 0.92.1-cdh4.0.1 in my Hadoop job, I get a ClassNotFoundException:


  • Does the Apache HBase jar play nicely with the CDH Hbase server?
  • Is mixing versions and packages like this is horrible idea?
Looks like the answer is "no"...from one of the HBase committers: bit.ly/PqwNqDbrianz

1 Answers


I had the same problem, and it seems they are not compatible (there's a problem in the connections). The solution is to change the maven dependency to use cloudera's jars:



And later in the dependencies:

      <version>${hbase.version} </version>

You can change the property and repackage when you want to use the code with another distro