I have in-app purchases working in my production app, and I'm adding a new item for sale.
However, I can not test a new in-app purchase in the sandbox environment. My purchases show up correctly. Restore works. However, if I buy the purchase, then I am prompted to login. I login using a test user account (I have 4 that worked about a month ago and are active). I'm then directed to the AppStore where I get a dialog box pop-up saying: [Environment: Sandbox] with cancel or continue. When I continue I am prompted for apple id password, which I use and press OK. It says "Loading..." for a few seconds and then the popup comes up again saying [Environment Sandbox] cancel/continue.
I have gone through about 5 times.
I have tried the account that I used to test previously
I have created a new user
I have tried to test on multiple devices that both worked about a month ago.
I have reset my device.
In the meanwhile, I've been able to test out my functionality and it's OK - but I can't do the end-to-end purchase/test that I want to do before releasing the update.
Has anyone seen anything similar? I'm looking for any suggestions. Thanks.