
I have a parent window (MFC dialog) with some controls on it (editbox, button, etc.), which looks like this:

appearance of the initial dialog

At runtime (OnInitDialog), I create another child window which covers and hides all the other controls in the dialog, using this code:

  RECT r;
  m_layer.Create(NULL, NULL, WS_CHILD | WS_VISIBLE, r, this, 0);

The m_layer object is an instance of a class CLaywerWnd inherited from CWnd. In this class I override the following method:

BOOL CLayerWnd::OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC)
  CBrush b(RGB(0, 100, 100));
  RECT r;
  pDC->FillRect(&r, &b);
  return TRUE;

Now my window looks like this:

parent with child window which covers controls

The problem is that when I move the mouse cursor or click on this new child window the messages are forwarded to the parent window (I checked this using Spy++), and the other child controls are redrawn over the new child window, like bellow.

children redrawn over

I don't understand why this happens and I want to know how to avoid this behavior.

What are you really trying to do with this layer window? Hide controls? Change the background color? Something else?BrendanMcK
@BrendanMcK - Actually, in the end, I want the layer window to be transparent and draw some things over it. The undesired behavior is that when I move the mouse, the underneath controls are painted over my layer window, and I don't understand why.Andrei Bozantan

2 Answers


I may well be wrong, but I wonder if you've mixed up in your code the handles to the two dialogs, such that you're posting messages to the wrong dialog?


One easy way to avoid it takes two steps:

  1. Change the state of all the hidden controls to disabled, so they won't react to any messages.
  2. Make sure the overlay window is at the top of the Z-order. You can do this when you create the window or later using SetWindowPos.