I am working on an EJB application. I have to apply role based security on session bean(EJB3) methods, for which I tried annotating the session bean method with "@RolesAllowed" as below,
For creating User, groups and roles i am using jazn-data.xml as below,
After the deploying the EJB and running the application, security does get applied and throws an exception [EJB:010160]Security Violation: User: 'XXX' has insufficient permission to access EJB
After Adding the weblogic ejb deployment descriptor as below,
<?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1252'?>
<weblogic-ejb-jar xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.oracle.com/weblogic/weblogic-ejb-jar http://xmlns.oracle.com/weblogic/weblogic-ejb-jar/1.1/weblogic-ejb-jar.xsd"
It starts working as expected.
My question is related to weblogic ejb deployment descriptor(weblogic-ejb-jar.xml), do I have to make an entry for each user (pricipal-name), each time I am adding a new user or is there a way by which i can map a user-groups?
Also let me know if I have missed any other configuration required to add permissions.