I have a NSOutlineView which is binded to my NSTreeController. The content of the NSTreecontroller (myTreeController) is set with data using the command: [self.myTreeController setContent:self.myArrayOfFiles]; The content of the array consists of NSTreeNode parent and children objects that are added using a NSTreeNode subclass (TKnode):
[TKnode treeNodeWithRepresentedObject:myRootObject]
This works very well and displays my NSoutlineView correctly. But when I want to iterate over the content of the NSOutlineView I need to flatten it and store the objects in an array. This is where I could need some help as the solution I have is not optimal and potentially prone to errors.
I first return the content of the NSTreeController using:
- (NSArray *)rootNodes;
return [[myTreeController arrangedObjects] childNodes] ;
This returns a NSTreeControllerTreeNode array of size one that holds the tree structure. I then access the first layer of the tree structure using the childNodes method.
- (NSArray *)flattenedNodes
NSMutableArray *mutableArray = [NSMutableArray array];
for (TKnode *rootnode in [self rootNodes]){
for (TKnode *node in [rootnode childNodes]){
if (![[node representedObject] isLeaf]){
[mutableArray addObjectsFromArray:[self descendants:[node representedObject]]];
else {
[mutableArray addObject:[[node representedObject] representedObject]];
DLog(@"My files: %lu",[mutableArray count]);
return [[mutableArray copy] autorelease];
The children of the children are accessed recursively using the following method:
- (NSArray *)descendants:(TKnode *) node
NSMutableArray *descendantsArray = [NSMutableArray array];
for (TKnode *mynode in [node childNodes]) {
[descendantsArray addObject:[mynode representedObject]];
if (!mynode.isLeaf){
[descendantsArray addObjectsFromArray:[self descendants:mynode]];
return [[descendantsArray copy] autorelease]; // return immutable
This works and returns an array containing all of my objects, not the NSTreeNodes, but the objects I am interested in. But it seems error prone that I have to call representedObject sometimes twice on an object to access my object. Is this the way I am supposed to work with NSTReeController and NSTreeNodes? Is there a better way? The reason I wanted to use NSTreeNode and NSTreeController in the first place was to get some of the already implemented methods for free such as sorting and arrangedObjects, which I am used to with NSTableView. But the method I use to access the NSTreeController content does not seem correct ? Should I use the arrangedObjects
to get the content of the NSTReeController or should I use a different approach? Any suggestions for how to correctly flatten a NSOutlineView is highly appreciated.
Thanks! Cheers, Trond