
i am new on google app engine . i want to develop an such type of app in which a user can login and and app can store data on the datasore. can i create an user database on google app engine where i can store user details using java ? i know how to create a simple page using Eclipse IDE without datastore . i searched on google a lot but find only one link (https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/java/datastore/ )

it will be good for me if u give me some sample code link


1 Answers


could you please be a little bit more specific ?

You have two choices for storing data : The datastore or Google Cloud SQL. In both cases, you can store whatever information you like.

Maybe best if you are very new to Google App Engine is to read this article : Objectify

Objectify is a framework which can be used to store the data in the datastore. It is extremely easy to use, well documented and there is a very good user community.