This question has already been answered for x86 however, I couldn't find much about ARM MP cpus like Cortex-A9, Cortex-A15 etc...
More importantly i want to know if interrupts can be raised on non-primary cpu without any configuration etc.
I am working on a software which deals only with the primary cpu hence i put the rest in WFI state however I am unaware of how interrupts work on the MP arm cpus, Is it possible that the main cpu continues executing code and one of the secondary cpu picks it up and jumps to the instruction in vector table and execute that code ?
btw here is the code I'm using to put them to low power mode
uint32_t reg;
__asm__ volatile("mrc p15, 0, %0, c0, c0, 5" : "=r" (reg));
reg &= 0xF;
if(reg > 0)
goto spin;
<code snipped>
cpu_idle(); // cpu_idle -> wfi