I have an Erlang application (for now just a few library modules) bundled up under Rebar. Directory structure looks like this:
- apps
-- myapp
--- ebin
--- src
--- yada
- rebar
- rebar.conf
MyProject$ ./rebar compile responds as expected.
I open up the Erlang shell ( MyProject$ erl -pa apps/*/ebin myapp ) and can execute exported function just fine.
Now I edit a source file, add an exported function, and recompile. But, whaaa--- when I try to execute my new exported function, I get an error--- undefined function. I execute myAppModule:module_info/0 in the Erlang shell. It doesn't list the new function I'd just added to my source file, nor changes I'd made to other functions.
I delete relevant *.beam file and recompile. Still can't see my changes.
But, now I q() out of the Erlang shell and re-enter. What do you know! All works fine, including my new function.
Why should this be?