
I would like to know if it's possible when using PhoneGap/ Apache Cordova to create/access and encrypted SQLite database.

I read I can encrypt before storing/ decrypt after but that's not what I am looking for.

I am rather looking for a PhoneGap plugin or API using something like:

Looking for something like this but encrypted:



Find somebody to port that plugin to use SQLCipher. It may only work on Android and iOS, but those are the only ones you tagged.CommonsWare

1 Answers


Just to clear it out: You're always been doing encryption before and decryption after, no matter which method you choose.

If you're tageting Android with Apache Cordova the better option is to develop a plugin in Javascript/Java using the javax.crypto,* API.

An example of encryption and decryption native algorithms in Java:

And a tutorial to make plugins for Apache Cordova targeting Android:

The encryption native lib suitable for iOS:

The Apache Cordova Plugin approach targeting iOS:

Hope it helps