I'm requesting the installed drive apps. This worked fine until yesterday. Today I get: { "code" : 401, "errors" : [ { "domain" : "global", "location" : "Authorization", "locationType" : "header", "message" : "Invalid Credentials", "reason" : "authError" } ], "message" : "Invalid Credentials" } even though the scope is granted. Any ideas?
Did you check if your access and refresh token are still valid? According this source (developers.google.com/drive/…), if you received that warning, it means that you have a problem with tokens.
– vicrabb
Yes, I've created new tokens etc. but the error remains. It worked like a charm yesterday :-(
– dflorey
Ok, finally got it. Maybe I'm crazy, but I could swear the "drive.app" scope worked yesterday - now it changed to "drive.app.readonly"
– dflorey
You aren't crazy, it changed - we didn't think anyone would be using it - sorry!. Out of interest, what are you using it for?
– Ali Afshar
I'm using it for my app for the "Google Developer Challenge". No more details yet ;-)
– dflorey