
I am having problems running Nunit tests from teamcity using Nunit build runner.

Until now these tests are run from a machine where the Teamcity and a build agent is hosted.And the tests run as expected on this machine. But we are moving the tests from this machine to another machine and when I try to run tests from this other machine I get the following error

[10:57:25]: 2012-08-01 10:57:25,688 [9052] ERROR JetBrains.BuildServer.NAntLoggers.NUnitLauncher2 - Compatible parser was not found
[10:57:25]: JetBrains.BuildServer.NUnitLauncher.exe #TeamCityImplicit
[10:57:25]: Arguments will be recieved implicitly
[10:57:25]: JetBrains.BuildServer.NUnitLauncher.exe @@ <xml-arguments-file>
[10:57:25]: JetBrains.BuildServer.NUnitLauncher.exe {v1.1|v2.0|mono-1.0|mono-2.0|ANY} {MSIL|x86|x64} Plugin{|Plugin...}
[10:57:25]: Plugin PartCover:
[10:57:25]: /partcover:<path to PartCover.exe> [/partcover-arg:<arg>]* [/partcover-arguments:<arguments line>] [/partcover-platform:<MSIL|x86|x64|NATIVE>@<v1.1|v2.0|ANY|NATIVE>] [/partcover-reg:true]
[10:57:25]: Where:
[10:57:25]: /partcover-arg: argument should be repeated for every argument of PartCover
[10:57:25]: /partcover-arguments: argument should be excaped to be passed to the program as one argument
[10:57:25]: Plugin mstest:
[10:57:25]: /mstestlocation:[ directory name ] /testcontainer:[ file name ] [/isolated] /runconfig:[ file name ]
[10:57:25]: Plugin dotCover:
[10:57:25]: /dotcover:<path to dotCover.exe> [/dotcover-platform:<MSIL|x86|x64|NATIVE>@<v1.1|v2.0|ANY|NATIVE>] [/dotcover-logs:<logs_folder>]
[10:57:25]: Plugin NCover:
[10:57:25]: /ncover:<path to NCover.Console.exe> [/ncover-arg:<arg>]* [/ncover-arguments:<arguments line>] [/ncover-platform:<MSIL|x86|x64|NATIVE>@<v1.1|v2.0|ANY|NATIVE>]
[10:57:25]: Where:
[10:57:25]: /ncover-arg: argument should be repeated for every argument of NCover
[10:57:25]: /ncover-arguments: argument should be excaped to be passed to the program as one argument
[10:57:25]: Plugin NUnit-*:
[10:57:25]: No assemblies were found.
[10:57:25]: No assemblies were found.
[10:57:25]: [/category-include:categories] [/category-exclude:categories] [/addin:addins] [/runAssemblies:processPerAssembly] <assembly>[(;| )<assembly>[...]]
[10:57:25]: Supported plugin names:
[10:57:25]: NUnit-2.2.10
[10:57:25]: NUnit-2.2.9-VSTS
[10:57:25]: NUnit-2.2.9-VSTS-9.0
[10:57:25]: NUnit-2.4.1
[10:57:25]: NUnit-2.4.6
[10:57:25]: NUnit-2.4.7
[10:57:25]: NUnit-2.4.8
[10:57:25]: NUnit-2.4.8-resharper
[10:57:25]: NUnit-2.5.0
[10:57:25]: NUnit-2.5.10
[10:57:25]: NUnit-2.5.2
[10:57:25]: NUnit-2.5.3
[10:57:25]: NUnit-2.5.4
[10:57:25]: NUnit-2.5.5
[10:57:25]: NUnit-2.5.6
[10:57:25]: NUnit-2.5.7
[10:57:25]: NUnit-2.5.7-resharper
[10:57:25]: NUnit-2.5.8
[10:57:25]: NUnit-2.5.9
[10:57:25]: 2012-08-01 10:57:25,712 [9052] ERROR JetBrains.BuildServer.NAntLoggers.NUnitLauncher2 - Failed to parse arguments
[10:57:25]: Process exited with code -1

The build agent that is running these tests is on one machine(say Machine-a) and the tests are on a different machine(Machine-b).So I am using the build agent on Machine-a to run tests on Machine-b and is throwing the above error. I am not sure if that is valid as the build agent is on a different machine.

I also have another build agent installed on Machine-c. So I tried running the nunits tests which are on Machine-c with the same machine's(Machine-c) build agent and get the following error.

[14:33:02]: 2012-08-01 14:33:02,755 [3116] ERROR JetBrains.BuildServer.NAntLoggers.NUnitLauncher2 - Failed to parse arguments
[14:33:02]: No assemblies were found.
[14:33:02]: Process exited with code -1

So I am confused as to if I am missing some nunit assemblies(which can be easily copied from another machine) on Machine-b,Machine-c or there is some other problem.

I also wonder if the Teamcity,build agent and nunit tests-all the 3 items should be on the same machine to run the tests successfully(as it is currently for us now).

Could someone please help me with this.


Another reason you see this is if you've got the wrong version of the CLR set for your NUnit runner (e.g. 2.0 instead of 4.0)Chris S

1 Answers


Actually, the reason I was unable to run tests is that, I was trying to use a network share name to access the tests assembly.But Teamcity's NUnit build runner expects a path relative to its checkout/build directory or an absolute path, but not a path with network share name.