
I have an Ext 3.4 grid with stateful:true, a stateId, and each column in the column model has an id.

Yet when I resize columns I don't see any state cookie saved, and the column widths are not restored when the page is reloaded. I do have a state Manager with cookie provider defined and I can set/get cookie values via the state manager just fine.

I also added handlers for beforestatesave and statesave and they are being called, but still - no cookie is saved and no state restored. Those handlers are being passed the correct arguments as well - the columns argument show correct updated widths when dumped into the console.

My question is: am I doing something wrong? Should I not expect this to be automatic? Do I actually have to use those state events to manually save and restore state?


2 Answers


I ran into this problem myself and I figured it out only after about 2 hours of hair pulling.

Do you happen to have a rather large grid? If the cookie data exceeds 4k, which it will easily do if you have 20+ columns of data, it will not save. It will not error either.

I suppose the only other option here would be to go to a different state provider. I'm going to look at the httpProvider that Saki has graciously provided as an alternative.


I've tried to override the provider and remove the string escaping when saving the cookie. This reduces the size by about 50%. I cannot seem to consume it when trying to restore though. I'm certain that the Ext authors were doing this for a reason, otherwise it wouldn't make sense because it inflates the cookie by so much. So much for a hack.


To make a GridPanel stateful I just added stateful: true to the config and setup my provider right before I create any objects

Ext.state.Manager.setProvider(new Ext.state.CookieProvider({
   expires: new Date(new Date().getTime()+(1000*60*60*24*30)) // 30 days

I've not tested if it remembers width but try moving columns and the sort order and see if they are being remembered.