Is there a way to send a specific movieClip to the front of all other movieClips on stage?
I know about setChildIndex, but I can't figure out a way to to calculate the top position dynamically.
/* Bring Any Clicked Object to the Front
Clicking on any symbol on the Stage moves it in front of all other instances.
// This code makes all symbol instances on stage clickable by making them listen for the CLICK event.
for (var fl_ChildIndex:int = 0;
fl_ChildIndex < this.numChildren;
this.getChildAt(fl_ChildIndex).addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToBringToFront);
// This is the function that moves the clicked object to the front of the display list
function fl_ClickToBringToFront(event:MouseEvent):void
this.addChild(event.currentTarget as DisplayObject);
From Adobe Flash Professional Code Snippets.