I've created a RDS instance called realcardiodb (the engine is mysql) and I've exported my database from my localhost. File is saved locally called localhostrealcardio.sql
Most research says to use mysqldump to import data from a local system to a web server, but my system doesn't even recognize mysqldump.
'mysqldump' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
How do I resolve this error should I use mysqldump? (I definitely have mysql install on my system)
Is there a better utility I should use?
Any help is appreciated, especially if you have experience importing mysql to aws rds.
Thanks! DK
Update 7/31/2012 So I got the error resolved. mysqldump is in the bin directory C:\xampp\mysql\bin>mysqldump AWS provides the folloinwg instructions for uploading a local database to RDS:
mysqldump acme | mysql --host=hostname --user=username --password acme
Can someone break this down for me?
1) Is the first 'acme' (after mysqldump command) the name of my local database or the exported sql file I saved locally?
2)Is the hostname the IP address, Public DNS, RDS Endpoint or neither?
3)The username and password I assume is the RDS credentials and the second acme is the name of the database I created in RDS.