I'm coding in Cocoa, on OS X.
I'm trying to receive a file that is dragged and dropped onto my NSView subclass - which I can do; and get its contents and filename and display them - which I can do for any type of file first time, but on the second time, when I try and drag another file on, I can only set the title setTitle:
, but not the main body text setText:
The errors I am getting are:
Canceling drag because exception 'NSInternalInconsistencyException' (reason 'Invalid parameter not satisfying: aString != nil') was raised during a dragging session
Assertion failure in -[NSTextFieldCell _objectValue:forString:errorDescription:], /SourceCache/AppKit/AppKit-1187/AppKit.subproj/NSCell.m:1532
My code (sorry, it's quite long!):
- (BOOL)performDragOperation:(id<NSDraggingInfo>)sender {
NSPasteboard *pboard;
NSDragOperation sourceDragMask;
sourceDragMask = [sender draggingSourceOperationMask];
pboard = [sender draggingPasteboard];
if ([[pboard types] containsObject:NSFilenamesPboardType]) {
NSURL *file = [NSURL URLFromPasteboard:pboard];
//NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:file];
NSError *error;
NSStringEncoding encoding;
NSString *contentString = [[NSString alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:file usedEncoding:&encoding error:&error];
NSLog(@"Error: %@",error);
NSString *last = [[file path] lastPathComponent];
NSArray *parts = [last componentsSeparatedByString:@"."];
NSString *filename = [parts objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *fileType = [parts objectAtIndex:1];
NSLog(@"FILETYPE: %@", fileType);
if ([fileType isEqualToString:@"txt"] || [fileType isEqualToString:@"md"]) {
[self setTitle:filename];
if (self.textViewString == (id)[NSNull null] || self.textViewString.length == 0) {
[self setText:contentString];
} else {
BOOL whatToDo = (NSRunCriticalAlertPanel(@"What do you want to do?", nil, @"Append", @"Replace", nil) == NSAlertDefaultReturn);
if (whatToDo) {
[self setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n%@",self.textViewString,contentString]];
} else {
[self setText:contentString];
return YES;
} else {
return NO;
} else if ([[pboard types] containsObject:NSPasteboardTypeString]) {
NSString *draggedString = [pboard stringForType:NSPasteboardTypeString];
if (self.textViewString == (id)[NSNull null] || self.textViewString.length == 0) {
[self setText:draggedString];
} else {
[self setText:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@\n%@",self.textViewString,draggedString]];
return YES;
else {
return NO;
Thanks in advance! :)