Hi I have this code which keeps giving me a "index exceeds matrix dimensions" error. I am trying to start the loop for h=1, d= 1 for 24 "h" and 3 "d" with a value for the "battery_capacity" matrix =2, but this seems to contradict in terms of the matrix sizing. Any help is appreciated! Could the "h-1" be causing the problem. The error is on the second time the "battery_capacity" is written My code is for idx_number_panels = 1:length(number_panels) % range of PV panel units examined
for number_turbines = 0:2 % range of wind turbine units examined
for number_batteries = 1:50 % range of battery units examined
for h=2:25 %# hours
for d = 1:number_of_days %# which day
battery_capacity(idx_number_panels, number_turbines+1, ...
number_batteries, 1, 1) = 2*number_batteries;
%% Charging
battery_charging(idx_number_panels, number_turbines+1, ...
number_batteries, h, d) ...
= hourly_surplus(idx_number_panels, number_turbines+1, ...
number_batteries, h, d) ...
+ battery_capacity(idx_number_panels, number_turbines+1, ...
number_batteries, h-1,d);
error line 134
battery_charging(idx_number_panels, number_turbines+1 ,number_batteries, h,d) = hourly_surplus(idx_number_panels, number_turbines+1 ,number_batteries, h,d)...
K>> sz = size(battery_charging)
sz =
1 1 1 2
K>> index = [idx_number_panels, number_turbines+1 ,number_batteries, h-1,d]
index =
1 1 1 1 2
K>> ndims(battery_charging)
ans =
Running "battery_charging" in the command line
>> battery_charging
battery_charging(:,:,1,1) =
battery_charging(:,:,1,2) =