
Our application will add list of user in local user groups.

Users will be associated with the groups , if the user name is changed we may need to update them in groups.

I was trying to use [ADSI] in powershell to get the list first then modify it .

$MyprojGroups=@("Myproj Engineers",
             "Myproj Managers",

Foreach( $MyprojGroup in $MyprojGroups) {
    Write-host "MyprojGroup : $MyprojGroup "

    UpdateUserName -groupName $usergroup -OlduserName "Administrator" -NewuserName "Admin"


Function UpdateUserName {
Param (

    # To check whether the user name is associated with the group
$MEm=$groupName.psbase.Invoke("Members") | foreach {$_.GetType().InvokeMember("Name", 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null)}

   If ($mem -eq "OlduserName") {

       # Has to update the New User Name 

But passing the groupname directly is not being accepted for ADSI. How to update the user name if it associated with the assigned groups?

If the user's name is changed in the user object, then groups are automagically updated (unique id, known as SID saved us here :-). So it is alla matter of add & remove users.Mat M

1 Answers


do you run your powershell script on each computer you want to check ? Do you want to add local users to the local groups ? can you try something like (within administrator shell of course) :

$grp = [ADSI]"WinNT://$computerName/$groupName,group"