
I've a pdf document in my CAKEPHP webroot. I want to create a route to that pdf file with the name /mydoc. I'm using CAKEPHP 1.3

When we type example.com/mydoc it should open that pdf.

Any direct ways to write direct route and it will be achieved without using controller and action.

Is this a dynamically generated file or a static one?Ian Hunter
Static one. As i've mentioned "I've a pdf document in my CAKEPHP webroot"Vins
Its not the right way if you are going to try without a controller.if you are ready ro follow framework flow then >use this trick .Make a controller of any name and you can controll it from there...try thishttp://book.cakephp.org/1.3/en/view/952/File-extensionsjack

2 Answers


If you're using a route, this will have to invoke a controller, in which you may output the PDF using a Cake Media View. That seems rather like overkill though. Instead, just add a URL rewrite rule to app/webroot/.htaccess:

RewriteRule ^/mydoc$ files/the_file.pdf

(Untested, may need some fiddling.) This way the file download is handled by the webserver directly without having to go through Cake.


As of CakePHP 2.9, you can put the following in your routes.php file.

Router::redirect('/mydoc', 'files/mydoc.pdf');