I get this error once in a while for a specific object. For some reason, this issue seems to start when I spawn 2 of this object instead of one. I basically have enemies that drops coins and one enemy drops 2. When I pick them up at the same time I start getting this error.
public function removeCoin(){
removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveCoin);
parentMC.level.spawnedCoins.splice(this, 1);
This is the function called by the collision check when there is a collision between the player and the coin. The issue usually starts when I pick up two coins at once from this function.
var dropCoin:Number = Math.random() * 100;
if(dropCoin > 40){
var newCoin1:coin = new coin(parentMC);
var newCoin2:coin = new coin(parentMC);
newCoin1.x = x+7;
newCoin1.y = y;
newCoin2.x = x-7;
newCoin2.y = y;
Edited the code.