Using Delphi XE2, Indy 10 that ships with it and OpenSSL dll's version 1.0.1c.
We are in the final stages of converting our Delphi 6 project to Delphi XE2.
We have solved every show stopper so far but I am running into one trying to connect to Gmail smtp server.
Our Delphi 6 app works fine using SSL v2.3 and SSL v3 and Indy 9 components connecting to port 465 per Google's own documentation. Google Support
Our Delphi XE2 app does not connect at all. The call to connect goes into the ether and nothing happens for some 7 minutes until I get bored waiting for the thing to timeout and kill it off. I actually traced the program execution all the way to the IdWinsock2 funcion here:
function Stub_select(nfds: Integer; readfds, writefds, exceptfds: PFDSet; timeout: PTimeVal): Integer; stdcall;
@select := FixupStub(hWinSockDll, 'select'); {Do not Localize}
Result := select(nfds, readfds, writefds, exceptfds, timeout);//<-this line never returns and timeout is always nil
I need to maintain the old SSL connectivity for existing users' configurations.
New users will be able to connect using TLS (to port 587) and that DOES work!?!?
I am at a loss as to why the non-TLS SSL options do not work and do not report any error and do not time out but just go off to Never-Never Land. Please help!
Here is the code:
SMTPClient.Host := trim(EditSMTPServer.Text);
SMTPClient.Port := EditSMTPServerPort.AsInteger;//<- value from custom edit box
SMTPClient.Username := trim(EditSMTPLogon.Text);
SMTPClient.Password := trim(EditSMTPPassword.Text);
SMTPClient.AuthType := satDefault;
if CheckBoxUseSSL.Checked then begin
SMTPClient.IOHandler := IdSSLIOHandlerSocket1;
IdSSLIOHandlerSocket1.ReadTimeout := 30000;//30 second timeout which does not appear to work
case ComboBoxSSLMode.ItemIndex of
0 : IdSSLIOHandlerSocket1.SSLOptions.Method := sslvSSLv2;
1 : IdSSLIOHandlerSocket1.SSLOptions.Method := sslvSSLv23;
2 : IdSSLIOHandlerSocket1.SSLOptions.Method := sslvSSLv3;
3 : begin
IdSSLIOHandlerSocket1.SSLOptions.Method := sslvTLsv1;
SMTPClient.UseTLS := utUseImplicitTLS;
IdSSLIOHandlerSocket2.SSLOptions.Method := IdSSLIOHandlerSocket1.SSLOptions.Method;
IdSSLIOHandlerSocket2.PassThrough := False;
else begin
SMTPClient.IOHandler := nil;
if SMTPClient.Connected then begin
if SMTPClient.Authenticate then begin
... do some work ...
on e:Exception do begin
As usual, after I post a question I have stumbled across a workaround.
If I set the UsetTLS property to utUseImplicitTLS for all NON-SSL transactions and set it to utUseExplicitTLS for TLS transactions my connections appear to work in a timely manner.
Hopefully this helps someone out.
updated code:
if CheckBoxUseSSL.Checked then begin
SMTPClient.IOHandler := IdSSLIOHandlerSocket1;
SMTPClient.UseTLS := utUseImplicitTLS;
case ComboBoxSSLMode.ItemIndex of
0 : IdSSLIOHandlerSocket1.SSLOptions.Method := sslvSSLv2;
1 : IdSSLIOHandlerSocket1.SSLOptions.Method := sslvSSLv23;
2 : IdSSLIOHandlerSocket1.SSLOptions.Method := sslvSSLv3;
3 : begin
IdSSLIOHandlerSocket1.SSLOptions.Method := sslvTLsv1;
SMTPClient.UseTLS := utUseExplicitTLS;
IdSSLIOHandlerSocket2.SSLOptions.Method := IdSSLIOHandlerSocket1.SSLOptions.Method;
IdSSLIOHandlerSocket2.PassThrough := False;
else begin
SMTPClient.UseTLS := utNoTLSSupport;//reset TLS support flag
SMTPClient.IOHandler := nil;