I'm trying to connect via PHP to the smartystreets API (liveaddress) on an IIS web server. I copied both the file_get_contents and cURL examples from here: SmartyStreets github PHP examples. Neither of them work. If I paste the URL directly into my browser, it does work. The file_get_contents example returns:
Warning: file_get_contents(https://api.qualifiedaddress.com/street-address/?street=817+Quail+Ln.+%2312+bakersfield%2C+ca+93309&auth-token=5Nk1%2FA) [function.file-get-contents]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\Inetpub\includes\myclass.php on line 28
I have confirmed in phpinfo that allow_url_fopen is on. I've also tried setting a user_agent. Still, this doesn't work.
The cURL example returns false.
Could this be something with IIS? Or perhaps due to a firewall setting? If so, how do I find out what port to open? Are there any other possibilities? Thank you!