When I goto the following link on firefox (V-12), the browser on my Ubuntu machine allows me to login normally.
However, if I use watir-webdriver, I get the message: "Cookies must be enabled in order to login."
Here is the code to reproduce this issue with Watir:
require 'watir-webdriver'
browser = Watir::browser.new
browser.goto "https://r.espn.go.com/members/v3_1/login?language=en&forwardUrl=&appRedirect=http%3A%2F%2Fgames.espn.go.com"
You will notice that the browser displays the "Cookies must be enabled" error message below the "email address or member name" field. When I looked at the cookies stored, I noticed that not all cookies that were stored in the normal mode are available. I compared this by searching for "go.com" in the stored cookies.
Any idea what would cause the discrepancy in cookies stored between the two modes, using the same browser?