I currently follow a flash tutorial online to create an interactive sketchpad. The link to tutorial is http://flashexplained.com/actionscript/making-an-interactive-drawing-sketchpad/.
The only problem with this tutorial is that the code is for actionscript 2.0 instead of 3.0. I know how to redefine the variables but besides that I am clueless, so I was hoping that someone can help me convert the code to ActionScript 3.0.
Here is the ActionScript 2.0 code:
lineThickness = 0;
selectedColor = "0x000000";
_root.onMouseDown = startDrawing;
_root.onMouseUp = stopDrawing;
function startDrawing()
if(_xmouse < 455)
_root.lineStyle(lineThickness, selectedColor);
_root.moveTo(_root._xmouse, _root._ymouse);
_root.onMouseMove = drawLine;
function drawLine()
_root.lineTo(this._xmouse, this._ymouse);
function stopDrawing()
delete this.onMouseMove;
line0.onPress = function()
lineThickness = 0;
line3.onPress = function()
lineThickness = 3;
line6.onPress = function()
lineThickness = 6;
colorRed.onPress = function()
selectedColor = "0xFF0000";
colorGreen.onPress = function()
selectedColor = "0x00FF00";