I'm trying to lance a perl script which calls weka.classifiers.trees.J48. I have several global thoughts to ask you and I appreciate your feedbacks.
1-WEKA is written in Java. In order to run weka.jar I need java. It's the same as having HelloWorld.jar
2-I installed Java and added it to Path variable.Weka.jar needs a few arguments. if i write java -jar *"c:\programs\weka.jar"* input1 input2 is it correct?
3-how about java -jar** "**c:\programs\weka.jar *input1 input2 *"** or java ** "c:\programs\weka.jar" input1 input2 -jar
4-I need the class weka.classifiers.trees.J48 . should i write java -jar *"c:\programs\weka.classifiers.trees.J48"* input1 input2 without .jar?
5-someone in stackoverflow suggested to put weka in a user environment variable which should be called CLASSPATH. my problem is i'm not sure if i should put WEKA folder in this environment variable (as we always do in path system env. variable) or i put weka.jar the file and not the folder in the CLASSPATH So, Assuming that weka.jar is now in my classpath,does the command change to java -jar weka.classifiers.trees.J48 input1 input2
I'm confused, i get Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: weka/classifiers/tree s/J48 I want to know how the command sequence works and if it's a general case. thanks for any insight