I have a test application that uses AVPlayer to play video specified by an m3u8 HLS playlist. The playlist specifies several alternate audio streams, similar to the "Listing 10" sample playlist provided by Apple found here: http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#technotes/tn2288/_index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS40012238-CH1-ALTERNATE_MEDIA The app needs to be able to switch among the alternate audio streams while the video is playing. For example, the app should be able to switch among the English, French, and Spanish audio streams by the user tapping buttons in the app while the video is playing.
Which AVFoundation classes and methods would be used by the AVPlayer and its related objects to switch among the audio streams that are specified in the m3u8 playlist? I have looked at the AVFoundation class documentation but do not see how to do this.
A link to some sample code that shows how to do this would be great. I have been searching the web for this information without success. Thanks for any help with this.