
I have a working Angular.js app with HTML5 mode enabled.


What I want to achieve is to get some URLs or <a> tags to do the normal browsing behaviour instead of changing the URL in the address bar using HTML5 history API and handling it using Angular controllers.

I have this links:

<a href='/auth/facebook'>Sign in with Facebook</a>
<a href='/auth/twitter'>Sign in with Twitter</a>
<a href='/auth/...'>Sign in with ...</a>

And I want the browser to redirect the user to /auth/... so the user will be then redirected to an authentication service.

Is there any way I can do this?


7 Answers


Adding target="_self" works in Angular 1.0.1:

<a target="_self" href='/auth/facebook'>Sign in with Facebook</a>

This feature is documented (https://docs.angularjs.org/guide/$location - search for '_self')

If you're curious, look at the angular source (line 5365 @ v1.0.1). The click hijacking only happens if !elm.attr('target') is true.


An alternative to Fran6co's method is to disable the 'rewriteLinks' option in the $locationProvider:

    enabled: true,
    rewriteLinks: false

This will accomplish exactly the same thing as calling $rootElement.off('click'), but will not interfere with other javascript that handles click events on your app's root element.

See docs, and relevant source


This is the code for turning off deep linking all together. It disables the click event handler from the rootElement.

angular.module('myApp', [])
   .run(['$location', '$rootElement', function ($location, $rootElement) {

To work off the Nik's answer, if you have lots of links and don't want to add targets to each one of them, you can use a directive:

Module.directive('a', function () {
    return {
        restrict: 'E',
        link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
            element.attr("target", "_self");

I've run into the same issue a few times now with angular, and while I've come up with two functional solutions, both feel like hacks and not very "angular".

Hack #1:

Bind a window.location refresh to the link's click event.

  onclick="window.location = 'http://example.com/external/link.html';"

The downside and problems with this approach are fairly obvious.

Hack #2

Setup Angular $routes that perform a $window.location change.

// Route
.when('/external', {
  templateUrl: 'path/to/dummy/template', 
  controller: 'external'

// Controller
.controller('external', ['$window', function ($window) {
  $window.location = 'http://www.google.com';

I imagine that you could extend this using $routeParams or query strings to have one controller handle all "external" links.

As I said, neither of these solutions are very satisfactory, but if you must get this working in the short term, they might help.

On a side note, I would really like to see Angular support rel=external for this type of functionality, much like jQueryMobile uses it to disable ajax page loading.


To add to Dragonfly's answer, a best practice I have found to limit the number of target="_self" attributes is to never put the ng-app attribute on the body tag. By doing that you are telling angular that everything within the body tags are a part of the angular app.

If you are working within a static wrapper that should not be affected by angular, put your ng-app attribute on a div (or other element) that surrounds only the location your angular app is going to be working in. This way you will only have to put the target='_self' attribute on links that will be children of the ng-app element.

    ... top markup ...
    <div ng-app="myApp">
        <div ng-view></div>
    ... bottom markup ...

In your routes try:
